Acoustical measurements • Aeroacoustics • Electroacoustics • Musical acoustics • Numerical modeling • Psychoacoustics • Sound field synthesis • Vibroacoustics
Márki Ferenc
associate professor
(+36) 1 463-1806
Rucz Péter
assistant professor
(+36) 1 463-2543
A kutatócsoport tagjai:
Márki Ferenc
associate professor
Rucz Péter
assistant professor
Fiala Péter
associate professor
Firtha Gergely
assistant professor
Augusztinovicz Fülöp
professor emeritus
Activity of the research group:
In the Laboratory of Acoustics and Studio Technologies we are mainly concerned with the measurement, modeling, and prediction of sound and vibration propagation in many areas of application. The research profile of the laboratory includes vibroacoustics, numerical methods, virtual acoustics, psychoacoustics, musical acoustics, and aeroacoustcs. In these areas we have achieved both theoretical and practical results.
Recent results:
- A generalized theory of sound field synthesis has been elaborated, that includes previous, isolated theoretical developments and allows for extending them. The PhD dissertation of Gergely Firtha and numerous international journal papers resulted from this topic. (Reproduction of a realistic sound field in an extended area. Applications: entertrainment industry, active noise cancellation.)
- Development of a drone detection system based on acoustical beamforming, which is capable of the automatic detection of the angle of arrival of UAVs. The sensor and its framework is able to cooperate with other sensors based on different detection principles. (A demo has been prepared, the drone is detected using radar, optical sensors, acoustical beamforming, and radio signal measurements simultaneously.)
- Development of a Virtual Community Tool that is capable of predicting the effects of the changes in airport traffic on the lives of inhabitants. (ANIMA H2020 project)
Special infrastructure:
Accelerometers, microphones, impact hammers, calibration equipment • 48-channel microphone array with data collector • Measurement room with half open sound space
Recent projects:
H2020 ANIMA • Bolyai • ÚNKP
International relations:
TU Rostock • Fraunhofer IBP
Industrial partners:
Robert Bosch Kft.