
Number of publications
Scientific results can be published in many different forms, in many different forums. Below are the statistics for the most important categories, based on data from MTMT.
In the last 5 years, there have been just over 600 scientific publications per year. If we look only at the number of publications, we see a downward trend, but the composition is improving: the proportion of peer-reviewed journals of high importance for rankings and rating procedures is steadily increasing, with 50% of the publications now falling into this category.
Rank of journal publications
Journals are classified into different categories according to their ranks. Journals ranked “D1” are in the top 10% of their field, while the categories “Q1”-“Q4” represent the top 25%, 25%-50%, 50%-75% and bottom 25% quartiles of the ranking. There are several organisations that provide rankings by research fields, and here we show statistics according to the Scimago ranking.
Each year, the faculty publishes more and more scientific publications in prestigious journals. The proportion of more prestigious journal articles is definitely increasing, with the number of articles in the top 50% (D1+Q1+Q2) of their research field increasing significantly over the last 5 years.
Citation rates are one of the main indicators of scientific output, what ultimately matters is how interesting the results are to the scientific community, how many people consider them worth mentioning. Of course, only independent citations should be counted, which does not include citations of the authors’ own work.
The number of independent citations to faculty publications is slightly increasing, with approximately 4,700-5,000 independent scientific publications citing faculty publications each year. Considering the number of publications per year, this is a very good result.
Impact factor
A questionable measure of the quality of a published paper is the impact factor. It is much debated because, due to different publication habits, impact factors can vary widely from one discipline to another. Moreover, in recent years, impact factors in the same field have also increased by leaps and bounds, making it more difficult to compare the impact factors of older and newer papers. To overcome these problems the normalised impact factor has been introduced, where the normalisation is done by the median impact factor for the given year in the given field.
The impact factors summed over the years are rising steeply. Not only is this due to the global increase in impact factors, the normalised impact factor is also increasing, confirming that faculty publications are appearing in more prestigious journals each year.