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Stochastic systems and data modeling

Activity of the research group:

Modelling computer and communication systems with stochastic processes, in particular Markov chains, fluid models, reward models and mean-field models. Efficient numerical solution of large-scale Markov chains with regular structure. Theory of large deviations. Numerical inverse Laplace transform. Data modelling by fitting phase type processes with Markov arrival processes. Main application areas (with industrial experience): performance analysis of telecommunication systems, efficient routing in sensor networks, modelling of financial and IoT data sets, anomaly detection.

Recent results:

Recent projects:

OKTA • MILAB • MTA TKI (Information Systems Research Group)

International relations:

TU Dortmund • Universita di Torino • University of Antwerp

Industrial partners:

Nokia – Bell Labs • Ericsson

SmartComLab – Network services and IoT management

Activity of the research group:

Our primary professional and scientific profile generally covers the analysis and management of communication networks and services. Lab members have considerable experience in monitoring the traffic of fixed and mobile communication networks, hardware acceleration of monitoring tasks, root cause analysis, and performance evaluation of networks and services. In addition, we are dealing with Internet of Things (IoT) platforms and their collaboration.

Recent results:

In the field of network services

IoT management

Special infrastructure:

GPON network infrastructure • Tektronix logic analyzer • 4G LTE mini network with 1 base station and a fully functional core

Recent projects:

H2020-Productive 4.0 • H2020-Arrowhead Tools

International relations:

Lulea University of Technology, Sweden • ISEP, Portugal • Mondragon University, Spain

Industrial partners:

IBM Zürich RL • NMHH • Aitia

Microwave and optical telecommunication systems

Activity of the research group:

Wave propagation, systems engineering and physical layer aspects of bulk antenna techniques. Investigation of massive MIMO systems. Cognitive radio, modulation techniques for opportunistic spectrum usage, signal processing issues, software radio applications. Validation of electromagnetic field computation models for radio devices. Modulation, coding and synchronisation issues in satellite communications. DRM30 and UHF DVB coverage optimisation.

Recent results:

Special infrastructure:

AWR Microwave Office • DRM Content Server • VNA 40GHz / 4GHz (HP) • VSA 3.5GHz, 7GHz (R&S FSIQ) • EMI transducer (R&S ESCS) • Spectrum analysers up to 7 GHz • SDRs (USRP X310 2 db, PlutoSDR ~10 pcs, USRP2 4 pcs, USRP 2 pcs) • Communication analysers (R&S CMU, EFA, DVG, DVMD, …) • Broadcasting transmitters (DVB-T, FM, DAB) • Oscilloscopes, signal generators • DWDM set • Basic optical instruments

Recent projects:

ESA, Alphasat • EFOP

International relations:

Joanneum Research, Ausztria

Industrial partners:

Ericsson Hungary • SZOMEL Kft.

Quantum communication and computing

Activity of the research group:

Quantum communication solutions: quantum key distribution systems – wired and satellite. Quantum channel modelling, medium access solutions. Scalability issues in quantum networks (Internet). Development of urban, national and cross-border quantum key distribution systems in the context of EU efforts. Application of classical optical networks for the transmission of quantum information. Solving classically computationally intensive problems on quantum information principles. Programming methods for quantum computers. Development of quantum random number generation solutions.

Recent results:

Special infrastructure:

QKD equipment • QRNG equipment

Recent projects:

Hunqutech • National Laboratory for Quantum Computing

International relations:

Univ. Of Southampton • Florida International University • Austrian Academy of Sciences • University of Ljubljana • University of Aveiro

Industrial partners:

ELKH Wigner Physics Research Centre • ELTE TTK and IK • Ericsson • BHE Bonn Hungary

Intelligent transportation systems

Activity of the research group:

The mission of the Laboratory of Multimedia Networks and Services (MEDIANETS) is to combine traditional strengths in networking with new competences in articifial intelligence, applying it to smart city environment. Research and development activities include machine learning and data analytics for intelligent and automated cities, V2X communication and intelligent transportation systems. MEDIANETS is active in significant European and national research projects, together with R&D projects carried out with our partners from the ICT industry.

Recent results:

Special infrastructure:

Commsignia RS2/OB2

Recent projects:


International relations:

University of Babylon • Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand • University of Cauca, Colombia • University of Donja Gorica • Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia • Raytheon BBN Technologies, University of Iowa • Universite libre de Bruxelles

Industrial partners:

Commsignia • T-Systems • RacioNet Zrt • Gamax Kft • Nokia Bell Labs • Ericsson • Utiber

HSNLab – Network softwerization and cloud systems

Activity of the research group:

Future network applications will fundamentally place new demands on the networks and cloud systems that operate under services. For example, “Tactile Internet” services, which today exist only as a vision, different types of augmented reality applications (AR/VR/MR), remote operations, remote coordinated control of vehicles or remote control of Industry 4.0 production lines require extremely low latency (even below 1ms) with ultra high reliability. This requires much more intelligence, automation and adaptivity at different layers and operational levels of the network, and tight integration of networks and cloud/edge systems, which is a key requirement for the success of 5G and beyond. Our goal is to set up a research team, with the support of Ericsson and the MTA, capable of implementing this new network architecture by softwareising the network.

Research will be carried out along the following four long-term objectives:

Recent results:


Special infrastructure:

Blade servers • SDN switches • High speed network cards

Recent projects:

Lendület • OTKA • Hungarian-Austrian international research topic project • Hungary-India applied research and development cooperation call

International relations:

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA) • University of Vienna • University Carlos III of Madrid • KTH Royal Institute of Technology • Queen Mary University • University College London • Technological University Dublin • Indian Institute of Technology

Industrial partners:

Ericsson • Lillyneir

HSNLab – Sensor networks and IoT

Activity of the research group:

Optimising communication between sensors and sensor networks, increasing energy efficiency. Crowdsensing solutions. Internet of Things (IoT) – communication technologies (LoRa, NBIoT, 5G), applications in smart cities, industry 4.0, agriculture, environment. Cloud robotics.

Recent results:

ARIAC – NIST-organised international robotics competition placings, 2020 grand prize

Special infrastructure:

5G network infrastructure, DOT and modems • UR3 robotic arms • HEBI robot servos • Prototyping equipment (Rotary table, 3D printer, test equipment) • Drones

Recent projects:

5GSMART H2020 • 5G VKE Smart Campus Ericcson-BME

International relations:

Gdansk Univ. of Technology, Poland • Plovdiv University, Bulgaria • Univ. Of Limerick, Ireland • Univ. degli Studi di Salerno, Italy • HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Switzerland • Univ. Coimbra, Portugal • Infinera, Portugal

Industrial partners:


HSNLab – Future Internet

Activity of the research group:

The “Lendület” project was about research into fully automatic fault detection and repair mechanisms for the reliable operation of the Internet. We have developed network solutions that can provide more flexible and higher level services than currently available.

Recent results:

We have won several international awards such as Google Faculty Award, best paper awards at conferences. Our results propose both theoretical and practical solutions to current technical problems in telecommunications. Their strength lies in careful engineering design, efficient mathematical modelling and analysis of the problem, and finally software development to demonstrate our new solutions in operational prototype. In our analyses, we use a wide range of mathematical apparatus depending on the nature of the engineering problem, and we prefer to work with Hungarian mathematicians. Our most significant results have been in graph theory, data structures, network theory and combinatorial optimization.

Recent projects:

Lendület • TÉT • OTKA

International relations:

Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany

Industrial partners:


Network technologies

Activity of the research group:

Main research areas:

Recent results:

Special infrastructure:

CISCO CCNP devices (routers, switches) • 2xATM switch • Protocol analyzer • Huawei router

Recent projects:


International relations:

Beijing Jiaotong University • Trento University • Hanoi University of Technology • University of Sheffield • NAIST, Japan • IIJ Innovation Institute, Japan

Industrial partners:


Algorithm theory

Activity of the research group:

Kombinatorikus algoritmusok. Klasszikus és kvantumalgoritmusok, bonyolultságelméleti és paraméteres bonyolultságos megközelítések. Ezen belül pl. társadalmi választások, fair hozzárendelések, stabil és népszerű párosítások, hálózatok megbízhatóságának vizsgálata kombinatorikus és játékelméleti módszerekkel. Különböző kvantumos megközelítések (algoritmus, QUBO, kvantumbolyongás) vizsgálata. Logikai és deklaratív programozás.

Recent results:

Számos eredményünk született a fair hozzárendelés területén: többek között bizonyítottuk, hogy 3 ágens esetén az irigység-mentes allokáció keresése NP-teljes feladat (ezzel egy 5 évig nyitott kérdést megválaszolva), ugyanakkor arányos allokáció keresése polinom idejű algoritmussal megoldható; ez utóbbi kérdést általános számú ágens esetén is körbejártuk, feltérképeztük annak paraméteres bonyolultságát és approximálhatóságát. Vizsgáltuk a stabil párosítás probléma sok-paraméteres bonyolultságát abban az esetben, ahol bizonyos ágensek fedését írhatjuk elő: öt vizsgált paraméter minden kombinációjára sikerült a probléma bonyolultságát meghatározni. Foglalkoztunk még a népszerű fenyvesek problémájával is, hatékony egzakt és közelítő algoritmusok megadása mellett számos nehézségi eredményt is bizonyítottunk.

Bizonyítottunk egy olyan új eredményt, aminek segítségével a hálózatok megbízhatóságának játékelméleti eszközökkel való mérésére vonatkozó korábban ismert, matroidelméleti módszereket sikerült a greedoidoknak egy, a matroidoknál bővebb osztályára kiterjeszteni.

Kvantumalgoritmusok körében vizsgáltuk a Fourier-transzformáció alkalmazásanak határait bizonyos algebrai feladatokra. Foglalkoztunk a kvantumalgoritmusok egy fajta használatával a gépi tanulásban, megmutatva, hogy egy mások által javasolt módszer nem sok előnyt ad a klasszikus eljárásokhoz képest. Vizsgáljuk, hogyan lehet klasszikus problémákat a D-Wave (korábbi) kvantumszámítógépébe beágyazni, az ott használt QUBO (quantum unconstrained binary optimization) feladatra átfordítani.

Recent projects:


International relations:

Hamburg University of Technology • University of Tübingen • Université Paris Diderot – Paris, Centre for Quantum Technologies • University of Singapore