Subscriptions to the scientific literature


At the University, a significant part of the access to scientific literature is carried out through the Electronic Information Service National Programme. Each year, BME orders the scientific literature from the EISZ through a public procurement procedure. The composition of the subscriptions varies from year to year. For the year 2022, it consist of the following items:

Name of database / service
ACM Digital Library
Akadémia Kiadó Magyar Elektronikus Referenciamű Szolgáltatás (MeRSZ)
Clarivate Analytics – Citation Connection + archive
Clarivate Analytics – Journal and Highly Cited Data (JHCD, impact factors)
Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science
Elsevier ScienceDirect
Elsevier Scopus
Elsevier SciVal
Springer Nature + Nature Journals – SpringerLink
Wiley Online Library
Typotex – Interkönyv

Clicking on the links will bring up the descriptions and a list of available content (in Hungarian). In most cases, access is only possible from a university address range.

Open Access publication possibilities

The following publishers also offer Open Access publishing in their journals:

Open Access agreements
Springer Nature
Wiley Online Library

The detailed instructions for OA publication can be found by clicking on the links in the table. It is important to bear in mind that the possibility of OA publication is not unlimited for all publishers. In some cases quotas may be available, which may run out towards the end of the year. As the quota nears the end, OMIKK will send a warning letter to the faculty and staff, that the researchers will also receive.