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Power systems

Activity of the research group:

Our main reserch area is the analysis of the power system both in transient and steady state conditions. Additionally we have research activity in connection with the operation of the electric energy market, the infrastructural challenges of e-mobility andin the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Recent results:


Special infrastructure:

Oscilloscopes • Power Quality Analyser • Power Supply • IR camera • Protection relays • Shock hazard protection analyser

Recent projects:

FIEK-MVM • Flexitranstore • Interrface • Farcross • Lendület

Industrial partners:

MEKH • ERBE • MAVIR • Mercedes

Electrical machines and controlled drives

Activity of the research group:

The research group deals with every field which is connected to the motion control, energy production, energy conversion. It requires the wide knowledge, usage, examination, measurement, calculation and development of the electrical machines, power electronics for their supply and microcomputer control. It clear, this field of research is very close to the physical systems, very interdisciplinary in the electrical engineering science, which requires tough theoretical and practical knowledge.

Recent results:

Industrial partners:

Thyssen Krupp Presta Hungary Kft. • Siemens Zrt. • Hyundai Technology Center Kft. • Rolls-Royce Hungary Kft. • Danfoss Kft.

Power Electronics

Activity of the research group:

Recent results:

Special infrastructure:

High power laboratory • Modular hybrid powertrain (FIEK)

Recent projects:

NKFIH Young researcher program

Industrial partners:

Rolls-Royce Hungary Kft. • Robert Bosch Kft. • RHIVA A.G. • Siemens Zrt.

Smart Power

Activity of the research group:

Dynamic behaviour of energy supply systems (primarily power systems), control and optimization of their components, interaction with energy markets, modelling and design of the latter, and interaction with ICT systems.

Recent results:

Between 2008 and 2016, we introduced a completely new field of competence (at department and university level): the simulation of the electricity markets and the related regulatory background were the tasks of many of our scientific and industrial R&D work during these years, the most significant of which was a GOP project implemented in the MAVIR-BME consortium. The knowledge and simulation tools accumulated during these projects have enabled the members of the team to work in H2020 projects in this field (this is currently underway), and since then we have been a key partner of industrial players (e.g. MEKH, MVM, MAVIR) on a number of issues at the domestic level. Our new result is the further development and practical implementation of the theory of cooptimalized markets.

In the period starting in 2016, within the framework of the FIEK project, we introduced another new specialty field: the control of power electronics according to system-level criteria and their impact on system dynamics is a fundamentally important and perspective area, without a previously significant domestic base. We are working on special inverter control solutions for the stable operation of the power electronics-based electricity system of the future. We have created a lab infrastructure unique to the region, enabling (P)HIL simulations, rapid prototyping of grid-connected power electronics, (P)HILco-simulation of power systems and ICT, and cybersecurity testing.

Special infrastructure:

OPAL-RT • PuissancePlus

Recent projects:


International relations:

RWTH Aachen

Industrial partners:

MEKH • MVM • MAVIR • HUPX • PPKE • SeConSys • BlackCell • CrySysLab

High Voltage Technology

Activity of the research group:

The main research fields of the Group are high voltage and high current technology, live-line maintenance, electrical insulation technology and diagnostics, electrostatics, lightning and lightning protection research, overvoltage and EMC, electric thermal engineering, use of intelligent robots, research in industrial electrostatic hazards, study of the application of environmental-friendly electrical technologies, electrical safety technologies, building electrification, lighting technology, electrical switchgear and equipment, and modern asset management.

Recent results:

Special infrastructure:

600 kV and 550 kV test transformers and outdoor substation • 250 kV test transformer • 1 MV impulse generator • 750 kV impulse generator • MV and HV education field • Artificial aging chambers • Diagnostic equipment • Tettex partial discharge meter • GTEM cell • Building automation training panel

Recent projects:

H2020 (Flexitranstore) • H2020 (INTERRFACE) • H2020 (FARCROSS) • H2020 (OneNet) • OTKA (KNN 123672) • IAEA CRP

International relations:

M&I Materials • CG – OTLM • Xcel Energy • UK National Grid • Maribor University • PO Energoform • Uppsala University • Marwadi • Yonsei University • West Bohemian University, Plsen • CIGRÉ • IEEE • IEC • IET

Industrial partners:

Kinetrics • Schneider Electric • Siemens • ABB • Mavir • MVM OVIT/Xpert • E.ON • ELMŰ • M&I • Mosdorfer-OTLM • Linevision • PAKS II Zrt. • VM Paksi I. Zrt


Activity of the research group:

The BME FASTER RECORD research group, which bears the name “Reimagining the EleCtric pOwer gRiD”, strives to transform the vision of the electric power networks. It can be seen that the current network has reached the limits for which it was designed decades ago, and we are in a critical period where we all have a professional responsibility to play a role in transforming the network. The research group emphasizes that one should not rely solely on past experiences and that a paradigm shift is needed.
The goal of the BME FASTER RECORD research group is to show a new direction in the reconstruction of the electricity network created after World War II, developing innovative scientific methodologies and procedures, which provide useful assistance to the profession and industry not only from a theoretical point of view, but also from an application support point of view. Using nearly 20 years of experience, the research group strives to model electricity networks with different voltage levels in stationary and dynamic time domains, in multiple modeling environments, with the goal of increasing stability and reliability.
The BME FASTER RECORD research group pays special attention to the careful conception of the long-term planning necessary for the reliable operation of the electricity network, given that this is one of the most important critical infrastructures. Using a scientific approach, the research group investigates strategic planning, highlighting key issues of everyday operational support, such as ensuring frequency and voltage stability, forecasting and accurate value determination, managing bottlenecks and knowing and mapping the effects of dynamic changes.

Recent results:

KDP: István Vokony won the Doctoral Student Scholarship of the NKFIH Cooperative Doctoral Program in 2023 with his research entitled Sustainable corporate management models using disruptive technologies in the energy sector. The research carried out at the Doctoral School of Economics and Organizational Sciences brings closer the industrial applicability of technical results, with a scientific approach.

Bolyai: Between 2023-2026, Bálint Hartmann is developing network vulnerability models with predictive tools within the framework of the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Bolyai+: Bálint Hartmann is working on the integration of the results of the research into graduate and postgraduate training within the framework of the support received as a supplement to the János Bolyai Research Scholarship.

OTKA: members of the research group participate in Zoltán Tamus Ádám’s OTKA Research Program. The aim of the program is to investigate the effect of cyclic overloads on the degradation of the PVC insulation of distribution cables due to the increasing expansion of renewable energy sources.

In 2019, Bálint Hartmann won the Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for his project “Utilization of renewable energy sources at different scales”.

Aim of our Lendület Grant in cooperation with E.ON is to develop a state estimator based modular toolset to support the transformation of the Hungarian low-voltage distribution network to a future-proof, smart, innovative, flexible and modern grid.

Our longtime cooperation with DSOs focus on modelling, simulation, business aspects and cost-benefit analysis of the transforming sector. Highlights of previous years include expert work on network development strategies, assessment of energy storage and e-mobility business potentials, development of microgrid services and islanded power supply based on renewable energy sources.

Special infrastructure:

Digsilent PowerFactory, Panda Power, MindPower

Recent projects:

Horizon Europe (TwinEU) • MAVIR (Transmission Network Losses calculation with AI tools), MAVIR (Swing frequency modes and real-time calculation of their damping, inertia monitoring system) • H2020 (OneNet) • MTA Lendület

International relations:

RWTH Aachen University • Aalborg University • University of Cyprus • University of Aswan • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology • Katholieke Universitet Leuven

Industrial partners:

E.ON • MVM • MAVIR • HUN-REN Centre for Energy Researc • HUN-REN SZTAKI • OPUS Energetika • iContest • Comtech • MEE

Electromagnetic Simulation and Design

Activity of the research group:

Recent results:

Recent projects:


International relations:

Universite Paris-Saclay • Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd ., Hiratsuka, Japan • CEA-LIST, Saclay, France • Czech Technical University in Prague

Industrial partners:

Bosch • Pro Patria Electronics • FETI