The aim of the group is to conduct high-quality interdisciplinary basic and applied research and to develop applications in both engineering and biomedical sciences. There are medical informatics applications in a vast range of fields. The group will address these diverse needs by involving students from MSc and BSc courses.
The Medical Informatics group carries out activities and research related to the following areas of specialisation:
The Group has traditionally maintained good relations with distinguished centres of excellence in both the medical and engineering professions. We cooperate with hospitals, companies and other universities and research institutes. We are open to both interested students and partners.
Aurora electromagnetic tracking system
University of Canterbury • University of Liege • Furtwangen University • Monash University • University of Otago
Semmelweis Egyetem Nukleáris Medicina Tanszék, Orális Diagnosztikai Tanszék, Transzlációs Medicina Intézet, Városmajori Szív- és Érgyógyászati Klinika • SZTE • DE • Mediso Kft. • CROmed Kft. • Kinepict Kft. • Evopro Innovation Kft. • Heitec Hungary Kft. • SafePay Systems Kft.