Academic career

The way to progress in academia is to earn academic degrees and titles. These can be divided into two groups:

  • those awarded under institutional authority,
  • degrees and titles awarded by an external certifying body (Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

PhD and habilitation degrees are awarded by the institution, so the requirements, and hence their value, vary from institution to institution. However, to obtain the title "Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences", everyone, regardless of institution, must meet the same strict requirements of the Academy.

Doctor (PhD)
Doctor of the HAS
Member of the HAS

The degree of PhD (philosophiae doctor) is awarded by the institution. The PhD is the entry level to the academic ladder, but this does not mean that it is worthless. After a Master's degree, very few people continue on their way to a doctoral programme, and even fewer complete it with a successful degree. The Faculty's two doctoral schools award around 20 doctorates per year.

After obtaining their Master's degree, and typically due to the encouragement of their supervisor, students apply to the Faculty's doctoral schools, which provides them with a 4-year training course. During this time, they study professional subjects, conduct research, publish, and engage in teaching activities to improve their presentation skills. During the training period, there are numerous opportunities to supplement the scholarship and to get involved in research projects. At the end of their training, doctoral students are required to submit a dissertation and formal, verifiable theses summarising their original scientific achievements, which is evaluated by the Doctoral Committee of the Faculty and the University on the basis of peer review and a public debate.

If you want to obtain a doctoral degree easily, do not choose BME, where the requirements are rather strict compared to other institutions, including the publication of prestigious journal papers listed by the leading indexing databases. In return for all this, the value and recognition of the degree is also higher thanks to the large number of professors, the international and company network and the good infrastructure. Those who obtain the degree have demonstrated their ability to think analytically, to formalize engineering problems using a mathematical approach, to find their way around the literature, to produce new research results when necessary and to publish them in an international forum. These skills are essential for those who envisage a future in higher education or research institutions, but there is also a strong demand from companies for PhD graduates.