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HSNLab – Sensor networks and IoT

Activity of the research group:

Optimising communication between sensors and sensor networks, increasing energy efficiency. Crowdsensing solutions. Internet of Things (IoT) – communication technologies (LoRa, NBIoT, 5G), applications in smart cities, industry 4.0, agriculture, environment. Cloud robotics.

Recent results:

ARIAC – NIST-organised international robotics competition placings, 2020 grand prize

Special infrastructure:

5G network infrastructure, DOT and modems • UR3 robotic arms • HEBI robot servos • Prototyping equipment (Rotary table, 3D printer, test equipment) • Drones

Recent projects:

5GSMART H2020 • 5G VKE Smart Campus Ericcson-BME

International relations:

Gdansk Univ. of Technology, Poland • Plovdiv University, Bulgaria • Univ. Of Limerick, Ireland • Univ. degli Studi di Salerno, Italy • HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Switzerland • Univ. Coimbra, Portugal • Infinera, Portugal

Industrial partners:
